There’s always something about the FIRST TIME, something memorable and too hard to forget. The strength of its ‘being always in the back of the mind’ is equally associated with the good and the bad times. The first time you rode a bicycle, the first time you fell in love, the first time you got paid, the first time you got your periods, the first time you had an argument with your parents, the first time you got harassed, the first time you had sex, and many other FIRST TIMES that you had, all of them left a deep impact on you and your personality.

The First Time

One amazing FIRST TIME I remember was when I got paid. The excitement was at its peak as it gave me the sense of independence. “I can do whatever I want”, that’s what I thought and fortunately, I am still on the path where I believe that one needs to be independent enough to take care of oneself and others too. I’m not talking about run after money and get rich, but working on yourself and your skills to get independent and confident must be everyone’s goal.

The FIRST TIME I debated before the entire crowd at my school, was the time I realized how important it is to have confidence within oneself. When I saw numerous eyes looking at me, some were recognizable while others were unknown to me; I felt my heart thumping hard and breathing rate went high. But, in me, there came a fear of giving up and that too right on the stage where everyone looked at me, so I somehow got hold onto myself and my anxiety, and allowed my mouth to speak what I had to and my body to act all normal and confident. When the thing passed, I sighed with relief and felt that I can do it and it led to more debates that I did at school and was appreciated!

The FIRST TIME I learned to ride a bicycle; the thing wasn’t even mine. It was my little brother’s gift from my father. I always wanted to have one but I never asked for it from my parents as deep inside, I was always scared to try stuff like these that could hurt me in some way. I always had the fear of falling and still do. My brother taught me how to keep a balance and ride that thing. At that moment, I learned that unless you try something new and scary, you never give yourself the opportunity to grow and the fears that reside in you become stronger every day.

The FIRST TIME I got catcalled was a very puzzling experience for me. At school, a bunch of senior guys smiling and whistling at a girl (me) who was three years junior than them, was something my mind couldn’t accept at that time. Also, I never had such an experience before nor did I ever know that such a thing happens! When my irritation intensified, I went straight to one of the guys and asked him what the matter is. Of course, he denied that he and his friends were doing such a thing, but after that, none of them had courage to even look at me again.

The emotions linked to all the FIRST TIMES are always fresh; you name a situation and I will instantly feel all those sentiments I had at that particular moment you referred to. This is because these are the times that taught you something; something that helped and benefited you in the later days to come. These are those special moments when God introduced some good and bad but unknown experiences to your soul. He made you familiar how life’s going to be, how people do things either to please you or hurt you, how various things are done. You always learn from the mistakes you made the FIRST TIME. Embrace all the FIRST TIMES of your life; whether good or bad, with open arms and get to know the secrets of the nature!

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One who loves to read & write. An over thinker & an imaginative person. Loves to laugh. Hope you'll enjoy reading my thoughts :)

2 thoughts on “THAT FIRST TIME!”

  1. I just finished watching a psychological experiment on YouTube. It’s called “The trolley problem” where people are out in a situation where they can either save five lives, one life or none. What I specifically liked about that experiment is what I like the little stories you told. The fact that moments like those often surprise you by revealing your strengths. Like the bike riding story, follow what your heart want even if that scares you a little. Btw remember the first time we met?

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